89 research outputs found

    Criticality of the Exponential Rate of Decay for the Largest Nearest Neighbor Link in Random Geometric Graph

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    Let n points be placed independently in d-dimensional space according to the densities f(x)=Adeλxα,λ>0,xd,d2.f(x) = A_d e^{-\lambda \|x\|^{\alpha}}, \lambda > 0, x \in \Re^d, d \geq 2. Let dnd_n be the longest edge length for the nearest neighbor graph on these points. We show that (log(n))11/αdnbn(\log(n))^{1-1/\alpha}d_n -b_n converges weakly to the Gumbel distribution where bnloglogn.b_n \sim \log \log n. We also show that the strong law result, % \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{(\lambda^{-1}\log(n))^{1-1/\alpha}d_n}{\sqrt{\log \log n}} \to \frac{d}{\alpha \lambda}, a.s. % Thus, the exponential rate of decay i.e. α=1\alpha = 1 is critical, in the sense that for α>1,dn0,\alpha > 1, d_n \to 0, where as α<1,dn\alpha < 1, d_n \to \infty a.s. as n.n \to \infty.Comment: Communicated to 'Stochastic Processes and Their Applications'. Sep. 11, 2006: replaced paper uploaded on Apr. 27, 2006 by a corrected version; errors/corrections found by the authors themselve

    Nonuniform random geometric graphs with location-dependent radii

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    We propose a distribution-free approach to the study of random geometric graphs. The distribution of vertices follows a Poisson point process with intensity function nf()nf(\cdot), where nNn\in \mathbb{N}, and ff is a probability density function on Rd\mathbb{R}^d. A vertex located at xx connects via directed edges to other vertices that are within a cut-off distance rn(x)r_n(x). We prove strong law results for (i) the critical cut-off function so that almost surely, the graph does not contain any node with out-degree zero for sufficiently large nn and (ii) the maximum and minimum vertex degrees. We also provide a characterization of the cut-off function for which the number of nodes with out-degree zero converges in distribution to a Poisson random variable. We illustrate this result for a class of densities with compact support that have at most polynomial rates of decay to zero. Finally, we state a sufficient condition for an enhanced version of the above graph to be almost surely connected eventually.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AAP823 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Achieving Non-Zero Information Velocity in Wireless Networks

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    In wireless networks, where each node transmits independently of other nodes in the network (the ALOHA protocol), the expected delay experienced by a packet until it is successfully received at any other node is known to be infinite for signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) model with node locations distributed according to a Poisson point process. Consequently, the information velocity, defined as the limit of the ratio of the distance to the destination and the time taken for a packet to successfully reach the destination over multiple hops, is zero, as the distance tends to infinity. A nearest neighbor distance based power control policy is proposed to show that the expected delay required for a packet to be successfully received at the nearest neighbor can be made finite. Moreover, the information velocity is also shown to be non-zero with the proposed power control policy. The condition under which these results hold does not depend on the intensity of the underlying Poisson point process.Comment: to appear in Annals of Applied Probabilit

    Limit laws for k-coverage of paths by a Markov-Poisson-Boolean model

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    Let P := {X_i,i >= 1} be a stationary Poisson point process in R^d, {C_i,i >= 1} be a sequence of i.i.d. random sets in R^d, and {Y_i^t; t \geq 0, i >= 1} be i.i.d. {0,1}-valued continuous time stationary Markov chains. We define the Markov-Poisson-Boolean model C_t := {Y_i^t(X_i + C_i), i >= 1}. C_t represents the coverage process at time t. We first obtain limit laws for k-coverage of an area at an arbitrary instant. We then obtain the limit laws for the k-coverage seen by a particle as it moves along a one-dimensional path.Comment: 1 figure. 24 Pages. Accepted at Stochastic Models. Theorems 6 and 7 corrected. Theorem 9 and Appendix adde

    Percolation and Connectivity in AB Random Geometric Graphs

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    Given two independent Poisson point processes Φ(1),Φ(2)\Phi^{(1)},\Phi^{(2)} in RdR^d, the continuum AB percolation model is the graph with points of Φ(1)\Phi^{(1)} as vertices and with edges between any pair of points for which the intersection of balls of radius 2r2r centred at these points contains at least one point of Φ(2)\Phi^{(2)}. This is a generalization of the ABAB percolation model on discrete lattices. We show the existence of percolation for all d>1d > 1 and derive bounds for a critical intensity. We also provide a characterization for this critical intensity when d=2d = 2. To study the connectivity problem, we consider independent Poisson point processes of intensities nn and cncn in the unit cube. The ABAB random geometric graph is defined as above but with balls of radius rr. We derive a weak law result for the largest nearest neighbour distance and almost sure asymptotic bounds for the connectivity threshold.Comment: Revised version. Article re-organised and references added. Thm 3.3 strengthened. Propn 5.1 adde

    Fission-fusion dynamics and group-size dependent composition in heterogeneous populations

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    Many animal groups are heterogeneous and may even consist of individuals of different species, called mixed-species flocks. Mathematical and computational models of collective animal movement behaviour, however, typically assume that groups and populations consist of identical individuals. In this paper, using the mathematical framework of the coagulation-fragmentation process, we develop and analyse a model of merge and split group dynamics, also called fission-fusion dynamics, for heterogeneous populations that contain two types (or species) of individuals. We assume that more heterogeneous groups experience higher split rates than homogeneous groups, forming two daughter groups whose compositions are drawn uniformly from all possible partitions. We analytically derive a master equation for group size and compositions and find mean-field steady-state solutions. We predict that there is a critical group size below which groups are more likely to be homogeneous and contain the abundant type/species. Despite the propensity of heterogeneous groups to split at higher rates, we find that groups are more likely to be heterogeneous but only above the critical group size. Monte-Carlo simulation of the model show excellent agreement with these analytical model results. Thus, our model makes a testable prediction that composition of flocks are group-size dependent and do not merely reflect the population level heterogeneity. We discuss the implications of our results to empirical studies on flocking systems.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Poisson Approximation and Connectivity in a Scale-free Random Connection Model

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    We study an inhomogeneous random connection model in the connectivity regime. The vertex set of the graph is a homogeneous Poisson point process Ps\mathcal{P}_s of intensity s>0s>0 on the unit cube S=(12,12]d,S=\left(-\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}\right]^{d}, d2d \geq 2 . Each vertex is endowed with an independent random weight distributed as WW, where P(W>w)=wβ1[1,)(w)P(W>w)=w^{-\beta}1_{[1,\infty)}(w), β>0\beta>0. Given the vertex set and the weights an edge exists between x,yPsx,y\in \mathcal{P}_s with probability (1exp(ηWxWy(d(x,y)/r)α)),\left(1 - \exp\left( - \frac{\eta W_xW_y}{\left(d(x,y)/r\right)^{\alpha}} \right)\right), independent of everything else, where η,α>0\eta, \alpha > 0, d(,)d(\cdot, \cdot) is the toroidal metric on SS and r>0r > 0 is a scaling parameter. We derive conditions on α,β\alpha, \beta such that under the scaling rs(ξ)d=1c0s(logs+(k1)loglogs+ξ+log(αβk!d)),r_s(\xi)^d= \frac{1}{c_0 s} \left( \log s +(k-1) \log\log s +\xi+\log\left(\frac{\alpha\beta}{k!d} \right)\right), ξR\xi \in \mathbb{R}, the number of vertices of degree kk converges in total variation distance to a Poisson random variable with mean eξe^{-\xi} as ss \to \infty, where c0c_0 is an explicitly specified constant that depends on α,β,d\alpha, \beta, d and η\eta but not on kk. In particular, for k=0k=0 we obtain the regime in which the number of isolated nodes stabilizes, a precursor to establishing a threshold for connectivity. We also derive a sufficient condition for the graph to be connected with high probability for large ss. The Poisson approximation result is derived using the Stein's method.Comment: 21 pages, calculations are simplified significantly and results are proved under much weaker condition

    Critical age-dependent branching Markov processes and their scaling limits

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    This paper studies: (i) the long-time behaviour of the empirical distribution of age and normalized position of an age-dependent critical branching Markov process conditioned on non-extinction; and (ii) the super-process limit of a sequence of age dependent critical branching Brownian motions